Ultrasound Equipment

The Mighty MX7: What you need to know

Zone Sonography Technology is one of the best new technologies to come out.

There is a new kid on the block.Ā  Small but mighty, this machine will be the one to bet on.Ā  It has ground breaking technology and numerous options.Ā  Easy customization and less key strokes are two areas that set this unit apart.

Mindray MX7 Features

Zone Sonography Technology is one of the best new technologies to come out.Ā  This innovation will revolutionize the speed with which great images are produced. ZST is a software driven algorithm rather than a hardware based technology of machine in the past.Ā  The imaging area is divided into zones that vary in number and the process results in an expanded data set plus there is more information gathered in each zone. This is processed in a lightning fast digital processor.Ā  The practical result of this for the user is there is no focal zone to adjust in each image, less key strokes will speed up the patient experience.

The standard way that ultrasound images have been produced is line by line across the block or sector. With ZST the images are formed by blocking and sending zones of sound energy to the processing part of the unit.Ā  With the increased speed there is less tissue motion which results in clearer images and that translates into increased confidence in diagnosis.

The mighty MX7 has another featured technology called Dynamic Pixel Focusing.Ā  This is a method of pixel by pixel focusing, within each zone the image is broken down into pixels.Ā  Pixel focusing occurs in the transmit and receive phase of the imaging process.Ā  Such in depth focusing creates better imaging at increased depths that result in another innovation that makes the focal zone obsolete.

There is Triplex Imaging, PDI imaging, Elastography and Strain (Tissue Tracking with Quantitative Analysis) amongst many other features. With all the options on this machine, it is well worth the consideration.

Please call us with any questions 843-566-1020.